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Research and Development of Programming Environment for Quantum HPC Hybrid Platform

Support quantum HPC hybrid applications development


We research and develop and programming and execution environments to create quantum HPC hybrid applications. We are developing workflow engines to make user of quantum computers and supercomputers efficiently. We also porting several quantum software development kits (SDKs) to enable several functions in the SDKs.


We research and develop and programming and execution environments to create quantum HPC hybrid applications. We are developing workflow engines to make user of quantum computers and supercomputers efficiently. We also porting several quantum software development kits (SDKs) to enable several functions in the SDKs.
As mentioned in the project ①, we have proposed the two level programming model:
(1) workflow programming to submit tasks (jobs) to different computers in a certain order by considering the dependency between the jobs, and
(2)task-based programming involving RPC offloadings from a supercomputer to a quantum computer.
For (2), we will provide an execution environment for a quantum HPC task-based application whose tasks are tightly linked and have complicated dependencies. Please refer to project ① for more details.
Some of quantum HPC applications may include quantum jobs and HPC jobs whose dependencies are relatively simple. In such a case, the (1) will be used. Most supercomputers and quantum computers employ batch job systems to manage many jobs from different users based on their operation policies to maximize the throughputs of their systems. To maximize the throughputs, we will develop workflow engines to submit jobs to supercomputers and quantum computers in a certain order based on the dependencies between jobs.
You may
You might imagine that somehow making quantum computers and supercomputers available simultaneously would be enough to execute a quantum HPC hybrid application. However, if we research computational resources in quantum computers and supercomputers simultaneously, sometimes, there will be idling time in a computer.

Another important project mission is porting quantum software development kits (SDKs) to supercomputers. The quantum SDKs provide various kinds of functionality, such as transpiler, circuit optimization, error mitigation, error collection, etc. We will realize these functions on supercomputers for future large quantum computers and large quantum circuits. The communication libraries developed in the project ① will be incorporated in the SDKs.

Project Members

RIKEN Center for Computational Science

Project Leader

Miwako Tsuji
Quantum-HPC Hybrid Platform Division Quantum-HPC Hybrid Software Environment Unit
Yuetsu Kodama
Quantum-HPC Hybrid Platform Division
Mitsuhisa Sato
Quantum-HPC Hybrid Platform Division
Soratouch Pornmaneerattanatri
Quantum-HPC Hybrid Platform Division Quantum-HPC Hybrid Software Environment Unit